Assessments can be complex.
Small shops don’t always have the expertise to complete every type of property assessment and feel confident in the value conclusion.
With LIXY Valuations you can focus on what you and your staff do well, and leave the rest to us.
LIXY solves your assessment problems.
Most counties struggle to maintain the expertise needed to value all types of properties so they focus on what they have the data and expertise to do well, typically SFR.
LIXY can fill in the gaps providing valuation solutions for your other valuation problems scaled to fit your needs while strictly following professional ethics codes, state laws, and industry best practices.
The LIXY team has more than 50-years’ experience in mass appraising and commercial work covering 20 counties. Each LIXY appraiser has at least 15-years of professional experience, is licensed by Utah Division of Real Estate, and has their own valuation areas of expertise, ensuring we have a property-type expert valuing each unique property type. A Certified General will sign off on every valuation ensuring compliance with Utah State Code.
Team members have held positions within Utah State Tax Commission, large and small counties, multiple professional associations, as well as fee-appraisal businesses. We are CAMA experts with experience in PUMA, Tyler and Harris.

Our Services
Land Valuation
Residential Land Guides
Commercial Land Guides
Agricultural Land Guides
Residential Valuation
Single Family Residential
Complex Single Family Residential Duplex
Triples, Fourplex, Auxiliary Units
Commercial Valuation
Office Space
Apartment Complexes
Low-Income Housing

Built-to-Match Pricing
LIXY Valuation's pricing is built to match the needs of your county.
Price options are available for desk appraisals, exterior-visit appraisals and interior inspections depending on the client’s need. We understand the importance of setting values in compliance with sales-ratio studies performed by the Utah State Tax Commission and the completion of Detail Review requirements.
LIXY Valuation adheres to standards outlined by Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, Utah State Code, and Utah State Tax Commission Administrative Rule. In fact, our name is a play on 59.2 (in Roman letters LIX.II) which is the section of state law establishing the guidelines for property tax assessments.
Additionally, LIXY Valuation experts can defend assessments against appeals during your Board of Equalizations. Our experts have sat on both sides of the table during BOE at local and state level hearings.

"Producing accurate assessments takes a great deal of care and understanding that few possess, but LIXY Valuation delivers.
Their passion for the assessment process is unparalleled."
– Brian, Government Procurement Specialist
Let’s Talk!
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